Central Minnesota Corvette Association

CMCA Membership Information
Print and fill out the attached forms as instructed.
Enclose a check for *$75.00 payable to:
Central Minnesota Corvette Association
And Mail to:
Central Minnesota Corvette Association
PO Box 363
Saint Cloud, MN 56302
Welcome to the CMCA Club. You are in for a lot of Corvette fun
and you will meet some great people!
CMCA President - president@cmca.org (702-205-9452)
CMCA Secretary - secretary@cmca.org (320-293-4491)
2024 CMCA Club Officers
President - Barry Hample president@cmca.org
Vice-President -Dale Hellickson vp@cmca.org
Secretary - Deb Murphy secretary@cmca.org
Treasurer - Duane DeWenter treasurer@cmca.org
NCCC Governor-Lynn Steenblock Lynn@lynnsteenblock.com
Past President - Gary Garberg
Other Club Positions
Apparel Coordinator - Jane DeWenter/Mary Bulthuis apparel@cmca.org
Club Photographer - Scott Weishair photos@cmca.org
Technical Director Ron Bulthuis tech@cmca.org
Facebook - Mary Bulthuis scrapbook@cmca.org
Website Administrator - Deb Murphy