Fall Business Meeting & Update
The annual Fall business meeting was held on Oct 22 at one of our sponsors and many thanks to Cornerstone Chevrolet for the meeting room and hospitality!

The Corvettes were showcased on the Hwy 25 side, and I also put the drone in the air before the meeting started for some video and pics. Draft meeting minutes have been uploaded to our website as I believe it is better to post them for all to review for Spring 2017 business meeting.
As discussed at the meeting I am in the process of transferring pics to new Flickr site, and finished upload of all pics from old website years that had pics from 2004 to 2011, then ended.
Also received an email indicating Auto Trim and Sign in Waite Park would like to be another associate sponsor, working with Mike on sponsorship form(s) to be placed on our Google account for future use, and thanks to Ron for stopping in!
Have a safe and Happy Halloween, putting our Corvette in hibernation soon, another wrestling season is underway, and look forward to seeing you all at the Christmas Party...Dave