Fall Business Meeting Summary & Update
Howdy All,
The annual CMCA Fall business meeting was held on Oct 21 at Corvette sponsor Murphy Chevrolet in Foley, and many thanks to the Murphy Chev folk for the meeting room and hospitality!

The weather was not the best, thus we did not have a full Club Corvette showing in the parking lot, and had 18 members with 1 potential member in attendance. The business meeting went well, and in summary, plenty of funds in the bank, all Sponsors are on board, Bylaws were revised, and many upcoming 2017-2018 events have been placed on the Club calendar.
Also, please welcome Arnie Mead as the new CMCA VP, replacing Mike Blackston, and many thanks to Mike for his assistance with promoting CMCA.
Following the business meeting many members headed south for an early dinner at Associate Sponsor Russell's on the Lake, and we were fortunate to have the new owner say hello and chat with the CMCA membership :)
I have updated the website CMCA Meeting Minutes page, please put the Spring Meeting date (May 5, 2018) on your calendar, and as always let me know of any issues!
Have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving, our Corvette is in hibernation until spring, another wrestling season is underway with Gophers vs Air Force this Sunday at Maturi Pavilion, look forward to seeing you all at the Holiday Party at Russell's, and for those still in Minnesota in January...
...there is a Chili Challenge at the Meads #CMCA
p.s. the 2019 ZR1 looks pretty nice...and the 1700HP C5 below caught my eye.
*Thank You to CMCA Sponsors*